This plot previews your selection and displays the first 15 of the selceted age profiles.
This plot displays the selected variables for each country.
This plot previews your selection. If several countries are selected, it displays a subplot for each country using data from the most recent year. If a single country is selected, it shows the variables for all years.
This plot displays the selected variables for each country.
This plot compares countries by showing a subplot for each selected variable.
This plot previews your selection in subplots for each variable. If several countries are selected, it displays the selected countries using data from the most recent year. If a single country is selected, it shows the selected variables for all years.
This plot compares countries by showing a subplot for each selected variable.
The data in wide format (age profile as row) contains detailed information such as the long variable name and units of measurement for each profile.
However, for importing the data into statistical software the long format might be more convenient.
Download in wide format as .csv
The long format (age profiles as columns) is usually more practical for the import and the processing of the data in statistical software.
Download in long format as .csv